Blog Archives

Are You God?

Why are we here, it’s one of the most talked about topics we humans talk about at some point in our life. Perspective is a great word to understand and use to open your mind to understanding and finding the truth. Read through the many definitions of the word Perspective and then watch the video,

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Posted in universe

Water Controls the climate not C02

In life we all must search for the truth and to find truth the data, true data does not lie.

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Posted in Climate

Climate Change is Real

Climate Change is real but the term Global Warming has no real science behind it but does have a huge political movement behind it. Search for the truth and you will find it.

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Posted in Climate

A leader leads

Here is the speech by president Trump in Saudi Arabia calling on the countries in that region to join together in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism and he is asking all leaders to come together and lead. If you take the time to listen to it you will not need to have any media outlet tell you what you are hearing.

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Posted in political

Nerve Gas used on children, sounds horrible right?

When you search for the truth you have to clear your mind of all the noise that spews from all the media outlets. This past week the world learned that a nerve gas was used on people in Syria and many people were killed and some of them were children,

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Posted in News

Fake News


Wow what a great read, take some time to read it and you will understand more on how this whole “Fake News” started, to put it simply “the public governs the press in just the same way it governs the companies that make products we buy.

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Posted in Fake News

Who does illegal immigration hurt the most?

It seems these days the question being asked is “how does illegal immigration effect the people breaking the law and coming into the USA illegally” when it should be “How is it affecting legal American citizens”.

One civil rights leader explains why illegal immigration hurts the employment opportunity for black men the most –

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Posted in immigration

Media Crowd Size Spin

Fake News Crowd Size

The 2017 Trump inauguration crowd size pictures have been all of the the media. How did this happen, who started this fake news, who even thought it up?
We may never know but we can find out if it is true or not and when we seek the truth and find it we can be sure that we understand the world we live in better.

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Posted in Fake News

Who sets policy for America?

Everyone has heard the saying that “the rich control America” but did you know they do it right under your nose, right in front of you and even give you a list of names to let you know who is all a part of it?

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Posted in political

Black Lives Matter Terrorist Group


Black Lives Matter is terrorist group by definition and the government of the USA can and should go after the leaders of this group and after those that radicalize and fund this terrorist group if they can link this group to any killing of police officers and others.

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Posted in terrorist