The News Media Has Lost Its Credibility

Here is a poll that really shows what America thinks, so when you are watching the boob tube know that the majority of the over 300 million people in America think the same as our President Donald Trump in that the news media has lost it’s credibility, in other words, fake news. It started back in the 1990’s. Here is the source of the poll from Gallup
If you take a look at how the media has reported on what the president said on what happened in Charlottesville VA on 8/12/2017 you will here and see that most major networks are not reporting the truth and rather just spinning the truth or flat out lying. It is important to understand that you most be looking for the truth to see and hear the truth.

Here is the press conference President Trump gave on 8/12/17 and in it he makes his first public statement of what is happening in Charlottesville VA, it is important to understand that he does not know all the facts yet and neither does anyone else.

Posted in Fake News